The Success in the Workplace Employer Toolkit: Strategies from Autistic Employees resource was a one year project. The Employer Toolkit was authored by Corey Walker, an Autistic self-advocate, and involved extensive engagement with Autistic employees, employers, and human resources professionals across Canada. The toolkit follows the employee life cycle model used by HR professionals globally, and provides detailed strategies for supporting Autistic employees during every stage of the employee life cycle.

A concentrated knowledge mobilization plan was developed and the author presented or exhibited at the Canadian Autism Leadership Summit, Disability and Work in Canada Conference, Canadian Association for Supported Employment Conference, and the Canadian Professionals in Human Resource British Columbia Diversity and Inclusion Symposium.

Project highlights:

This toolkit is unique in the marketplace because it was not only written by an Autistic author, but all the content was the direct result of extensive engagement with 171 Autistic employees participating in the project’s Autistic workers survey.

This project truly embraced the concept of “nothing about us, without us,” and ensured the Autistic voice was front and center throughout the entire project. The project team is not aware of any other autism toolkit project that had such extensive engagement with the autism community. Another unique feature of the toolkit is that all PDFs are universally accessible for viewers with screen readers.

Click here to see the full Toolkit.